Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Martinez Criterium

Martinez Criterium was superb: technical, fast and torrential rain. For Kelly and Jill it was the first race of the season, for Holly the second.

There was a strong field, including Amber (Webcor), Brooke (Tibco) and Sarah’s Cheerwine’s. Our plan for the race consisted of staying at the front, the back, off the front and very much upright. We didn’t have aspirations to crush the competition-and had this been our goal we would have been disappointed.

After the race we were rather happy; we had finished with the pack which had been severely reduced and had been active in the race. Jill had worked so hard that she had vomited with 8 laps to go. Kelly had never really ridden a crit before, let alone a technical one in the rain. Unfortunately, Holly had a short race due to road debris in her eye.

Bottom line is that we had fun racing in the rain and laughing about it afterwards.

Congratulations to Brooke on the win(s)