Tuesday, December 05, 2006

East Bay etc. by Holly

12/02/06: The Touchstone women (plus a few privileged men) met bright and early this Saturday morning in Walnut Creek for another beautiful ride. The route began with a climb into Morgan Territory (?), a loop around Diablo, and then finished with the famed climb up the mountain.
As the group rode through strong wind and tackled the day’s climbing, the serious climbers in the group quickly showed themselves, zooming off to become tiny specks in the distance to the photographer. Actually, one climber was so fast that she didn’t even make the picture (I’ll give you one guess at who this superb climber was)! Although the group separated a bit on the climbs, we spent plenty of quality time together chatting away on the flats. What a great ride!
As we rolled back to Walnut Creek, culminating in Kelly and Holly’s longest of the season so far (but just another day for Pat and Maria J ), we were all thinking about the real reason we ride…food!! Maria had made some delicious honey-almond-cherry bread we all looked forward to…and quickly devoured as fast as she could slice it! Thoroughly satisfied with the great day of riding and eating among friends and teammates, we all scattered in our opposite directions, looking forward to our next team adventure.